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Happy New Year

Writer's picture: KimKim

Happy New Year 2021!

To a world that has so much unrest, pain, chaos, confusion, and sickness.

Let’s change the way we look at things, so the thinks we look at change (Wayne Dwyer).

We can laser focus on what’s good in our lives.

We still have so much to be thankful for…

Our homes, our families, our friends.

Air to breathe, freedom to live our lives.

Freedom comes from within the mind.

It is all a mindset of beliefs.

So what do you believe?

I believe that there is a Big God who loves us, and wants good for us.

What I have learned from God is that He works all things together for the good of those who love him.

It is a big relief to me to know that I have the Creator of the world on my side, and His intentions for my life are always for the good.

My life has become steady and stable; I have a peace that surpasses all understanding.

So let us practice and embody joy and peace, love and compassion, and faithfulness.

Faithfulness to God first, and then ourselves, and then also one another.

When good things come to us, the more grateful we fix our minds of God’s definite blessing, and the more we receive and are thankful for those blessings, the more rapidly they come.

The reason for this is simple. The mental attitude of gratitude draws the thoughts of the mind into closer touch with God

Let’s be intentional this year, to make better and bigger changes.

To face fear





We need to deal, feel, and heal in 2021

It is okay to be imperfect. It’s okay to still be learning.

We are all only human.

So give yourself a permission slip to love in greater abundance this year.

Put down the walls of pain, fear, and rejection.

And lets build walls of hope,

Of trust,

Of value,

Of good character.

And compassion and great purpose.

When we become givers we truly become fulfilled.

Nothing quite feels as good as helping someone in need.

There is something in our hearts that leads us to be givers and not takers.

We always want to find the balance of being a giver and receiver.

That is when the magic happens.

So keep pushing on.

If you think you can, or you can’t - you’re right.

Lets believe we can.

Build a better today

Because today matters.

With much love + kind regards,



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