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Joining the Family

Writer's picture: MarybethMarybeth

Updated: Jan 3, 2021


My name is Mary Beth, and I'm so excited to be joining the Modern Tekniques family once the salon is able to open back up!

I am looking forward to coming on board and meeting you, and giving you beautiful hair.

This blog post is a first for me, and I'd love to use this opportunity to share a story with you, of a beautiful experience I was lucky enough to have during this quarantine.


It took only a month for her to lay, sit, hatch, and have her babies fly the coop! And I got to watch it all happen!

Her and her partner chose the empty planter that sits on a pedestal a foot away from my front door. I first noticed it when I came out of my house and was met with a sudden flutter.

I quickly realized it was a startled bird taking flight; but I also saw there where two eggs resting in my planter. Cool! 

A day later I walked up my front porch to find this Mourning Dove sitting in the planter and she didn’t fly away this time; although I could tell she was a bit cautious. So, I had a little chat with her in that moment.

I said “Listen, I want you to know that you are totally safe here, no one is going to hurt you or bother you and your babies. You are safe”.

To my surprise, she never flew away again, even when my 10 month old puppy Todo would stand on her hind legs trying to get a glimpse of our new visitors.

It took 2 weeks of momma and papa dove taking turns sitting on those eggs day and night through cold and rain for their babies to emerge from the safety of their shells to a new world, and another 2 weeks to grow enough to take flight on their own.

Throughout the whole process, these beautiful Mourning Doves and my family bonded. There were many “hello’s”. “How’s it going?” And “good job you guys”.

So, the morning I walked out of my house to find they were gone; I was struck with this feeling of “that’s it, no goodbyes?’.

It was kind of what I call a “yeah!-BooHoo”. Happy and  sad!

But there would be one more surprise!

The very next morning after they flew the coop, I was taking Todo out for her routine walk, when I heard a cooing. I looked up and on the electric wire in front of my house was papa dove and then momma dove immediately joined her and I instinctively knew they intentionally came to me!

They both began cooing at me and then out of my lilac tree came one of the babies; it flew across the street and landed on my neighbors car and papa joined him and they lingered for a moment before flying up into the tree!

It was such a magical moment of awe and wonder!

God created us with amazing abilities for communicating. He with us, us with Him, and all

His creatures great and small have been given this innate desire for meaningful connection.

I believe this Mourning Dove family wanted to connect me with, this bird couple wanted me to see their baby grown and flying! I felt so honored.

With all this social distancing and isolation throughout this pandemic, I was given the gift of being part of seeing God’s beautiful created creatures being tenderly cared for by their Creator.

God used that to whisper to my heart, that I too belong to Him and He cares for my every need.

No pandemic can stop that! It reminded me of a bible story in 1st Kings, where God tells Elijah how he would be cared for during an awful time of drought and famine.

God commanded the ravens to feed him with flesh and bread! Meal deliveries via birds!!!

After this pandemic is over and I get back to doing what I love, “HAIR”, I will take with me the lessons of the “Mourning Doves”. stop and take time to see and appreciate the other created beings around me.

It also helped me to see that I am a trustworthy and safe person.

And I think the big one was, how important it is to speak kind, encouraging, life giving words, and meaning them, as well as receiving them from others.

Even to and from Birds!!

I hope this finds you well, and thank you for letting me share my story with you!

Looking forward to meeting you all soon,

Mary Beth


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